by R K Goel
Rock mass classification is an essential element of feasibility studies for any near surface construction project prior to any excavation or disturbances made to earth. Written by an author team with over 50 years of experience in some of the most difficult mining regions of the world, Civil Engineering Rock Mass Classification: Tunnelling, Foundations and Landsides provides construction engineers, construction managers and mining engineers with the tools and methods to gather geotechnical data, either from rock cuts, drifts or core, and process the information for subsequent analysis. The goal is to use effective mapping techniques to obtain data can be used as input for any of the established rock classification systems. The book covers all of the commonly used classification methods including: Barton’s Q and Q’ systems, Bieniawski’s RMR, Laubscher’s MRMR and Hoek’s and GSI systems. With this book in hand, engineers will be able to gather geotechnical data, either from rock cuts, drifts or core, and process the information for subsequent analysis. Rich with international case studies and worked out equations, the focus of the book is on the practical gathering information for purposes of analysis and design.